Minggu, 22 April 2012

bahasa Indonesia 2 (Tulisan 1)

Nama           : Filin Anggraini
Class            : 3ea15
Npm             : 10209576
Mata kuliah : bahasa Indonesia 2 (Tulisan 1)


Purwokerto is small town which extract for pay a visit. Location of Purwokerto in Banyumas, center java. Moment I’m stop by  in small town Purwokerto, I and family will  meet with many special food and a tour place which very draw that is Batturaden. Various food which special and comfort many are in length street in small town Purwokerto.
Moment I and family while holiday in Purwokerto, don’t forget with  food Getuk Goreng and Soto Sukaraja. Getuk Goreng special because Getuk Goreng in make with cassava which shape the clod chocolate. I and family also enjoy with Soto Sukaraja. I’m very like with Soto Sukaraja because broth Soto Sukaraja very thick in mix with streamed rice.
I’m while holiday in Purwokerto, I’m invite my brother for holiday to Baturraden. Baturraden is place a tour which are in Purwokerto. Location of Baturraden in beside south leg mountain Slamet. Air in Baturraden very cool. I’m very happy when I in Baturraden. In there I and my brother can pay a visit to all place a tour. Holiday in Baturraden very inexpensive. In there I’m and brother only wipe out few money. Not as in Jakarta which very many remove money.
In Baturraden of location favorite is Pancuran Seven and Strawberry Garden. I like Pancuran Seven because beauty realm and forest which in support with coolness realm. In there I can sniff in air fresh which not are in Bekasi or Jakarta. In Strawberry Garden a lot of strawberry fruit. In there many food and drink which in make from strawberry.
In Baturraden also are Telaga Sunyi, if I’m lucky, I can see many colour butterfly and dragonfly. As name Telaga Sunyi because this location very quiet which are only voice stream which flow.
Are also Pancuran three or Belerang. Tourist very happy submerged in warm water Belerang, because can in believe cure disease. I’m very happy are in small town Purwokerto.

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